Testimonials & Community Partnerships
"Roberta is fantastic to work with and really takes the time to listen and understand my needs."
— Oregon Doula
"I learned so much from Roberta. She is such a wealth of knowledge and unending patience."
— Intern
“This is a space where I can bring my daughters, sink my hands and feet into Mother Earth, be me authentically, and gain knowledge and wisdom from the herbs themselves. From my time of introspection while working, and from the beautiful people who gather here. I’m so grateful to Roberta for stewarding this space and making it a warm and welcome sanctuary to come and be with the plants and community.”
— Tierra Salmón, Midwife
Some of our partnerships
Mud Bone Grown
Future Generations Collaborative
Oregon Inter-Tribal Breast Feeding Coalition
Oregon State University
Portland State University
Multnomah County W.I.C.
Medicine Monday gatherings and tours (Please check our calendar)
A video of our partnership with OSU with Danita Macy
**The Oregon Food Bank is the fiscal sponsor of the WWG
“Today was our first time in the garden and I really enjoyed myself. Not to sound like a kiss ass but Roberta’s enthusiasm is infectious and I’m inspired by how much she seems to have in a few short years. Having knowledge beforehand is always useful but I feel like gardening really highlights how experience is the best teacher. Also it takes guts to commit to something when you’re not certain you know how to do it and accept that failing will be a part of the learning process. Not being perfect right off the bat is something I intellectually know is ok but actually accepting that is difficult for me.
I went straight home and put all my clippings in water and planted the ground cherries I pulled up. We’ll see how things handle their new environments. We cleared out a patch that another group will be planting garlic in and there is just something satisfying about being able to see the work accomplished. And being able to feel helpful is a really nice change during a time when so many of us have felt helpless. All in all I was really energized by being in the garden; I wish that we could be spending all our time out there…but I get it… pandemic and all.”